Peachjar Digital Flyers
The Governing Board established a practice to ensure effective and consistent standards for advertisements and promotions by nonschool groups in school-sponsored publications, on district and school websites and social media, and on school facilities and grounds.
The District recognizes the need by community groups and/or individuals to post or distribute flyers to students for purposes other than the conduct of the instructional program. Tustin Unified School District uses an electronic flyer distribution system (Peachjar), which reduces staff time, saves money, embraces technology, and continues our mission of being an environmentally conscious school District.
Use of the District flyer distribution system shall be under the supervision and control of the Superintendent or designee(s). Approval for any and all flyer distribution requests will be at the discretion of the superintendent or designee(s). The District reserves the right to deny any request.
Flyers will be automatically submitted to the District. The District will review the information submitted and determine if the request is in accordance with District policy. The District typically reviews flyer posting requests within 7-10 working days, and approves flyers each Wednesday excluding holidays and District observed breaks. Please submit your flyers well in advance for optimal promotion opportunities.
- Criteria For Approval
- Parents and Guardians
- School Sites
- School Connected Organizations (SCO) - PTA, Foundation, Booster, ETC.
- Enrichment and Community Organization ( Not Connected to TUSD)