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Mandarin Immersion Program

Exciting Futures Begin This Fall 2025-26: Enroll Your TK & Kindergarten Scholar Today!

Our Mandarin Immersion Program, which follows the One-Way Immersion model, offers students an exceptional opportunity to achieve bilingualism, biliteracy, and cross-cultural understanding. Designed for students from primarily English-speaking backgrounds, this program immerses learners in Mandarin instruction starting in Transitional Kindergarten (TK). Students are taught academic subjects in Mandarin to develop language proficiency naturally, while gradually integrating English instruction to ensure mastery in both languages.

Through structured immersion, students build critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills in Mandarin, while reinforcing their English language foundation. This program emphasizes cultural appreciation, academic excellence, and linguistic fluency, empowering students to succeed in an increasingly interconnected world. Whether mastering math, science, or history, students in our One-Way Immersion program will grow to be confident, global learners.

Academy Goals

Bilingualism & Bi-literacy:
Students think, listen, speak, read, and write with a high level of proficiency in English and the partner language.

Parent Partnership:
Consistent parent engagement significantly impacts students’ academic and social success

Academic Excellence:
Students attain academic excellence by meeting or exceeding grade level standards, across all subject areas, in both languages.

Multicultural Understanding:
Students cultivate an understanding and appreciation of diverse cultures and empower their involvement in world issues within a global society.

Why Chinese Mandarin?

Chinese is recognized by the Department of State as one of the critical languages and is among the world’s five international languages. With 1.3 billion native speakers, Chinese Mandarin is the most spoken language in the world.

Who can enroll in this program?

  • Will your family commit to staying enrolled in the program for TK-5 or K-5?
  • Are you looking for a rigorous academic program that promotes bilingualism and biliteracy?
  • Are you willing to immerse in cultural learning and support your child in practicing the skills they acquire in both English and Mandarin, reinforcing learning in both languages?
  • Are you excited to engage your family in multicultural education that celebrates diversity and promotes cultural understanding?
  • Is your student eligible for TK and K grades based on the TUSD Age Enrollment chart for the 2025-26 school year? 

If you answered “YES” to all of these questions, this program could be the right fit for your child! 
Please visit our TUSD Transfer and Enrollment page for more information about enrolling your child! 

Mandarin Immersion Program FAQs