California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) System
Each spring, most students in California participate in the statewide testing program, which is the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) System. The tests in the CAASPP System provide information to teachers, parents/guardians, and students about students' progress and readiness for college and career. In grades 3-8 and grade 11, most students take the Smarter Balanced online tests for English language arts/literacy (ELA) and mathematics. However, students who have a significant cognitive disability (as designated in their Individualized Education Program, also known as "IEP") are eligible to take the California Alternate Assessments (CAAs).
California students in grades 5 and 8 will take the online CAST Science test, which is aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards. For high school, the CAST will be administered to students in grade 11 and 12.
The state no longer mails home student score reports. Your student's electronic Student Score Report (SSR) can be obtained by logging into your Parent Portal Aeries account.
Assessment Dates
Schools in the Tustin Unified School District establish their own CAASPP assessment dates within the months of March through May. For specific testing dates at your child's school, please contact the school office.
The California Department of Education (CDE) has developed several resources to help students and parents understand the grade expectations of the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments.
- The Parent Guides to the Smarter Balanced Assessments (in English and Spanish) are posted on the CDE’s CAASPP web page, under Students and Parents. Separate guides have been developed for each of the three grade spans tested: grades 3–5, grades 6–8, and grade 11. Each guide explains the grade-level expectations for students in ELA and mathematics and provides sample test items.
- The practice and training tests, which can be found on the CDE’s Smarter Balanced Practice and Training Tests web page, can help parents and students experience the type of test items that students will encounter on the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments. Answers to the practice test and scoring rubrics for the performance tests are posted on the Test Administrator (TA) Resources for the Smarter Balanced Practice and Training Tests web page.
- Smarter Balanced Parents and Student Page
Provides access to fact sheets, questions and answers, and resources in English and Spanish.
- Understanding the CAASPP Student Score Reports Page
provides guides to help interpret the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) student score report.
CAASPP Parent Exemption Information
Pursuant to California Education Code Section 60615, parents/guardians may annually submit to the school a written request to excuse their child from any or all of the CAASPP assessments.
If you have any questions regarding your child's participation in statewide testing, please contact your school principal.
For more information on CAASPP, visit
For more information on California Education Code regarding Assessment of Academic Achievement click here.