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The Tustin Unified School District’s Transportation Office sells bus passes, coordinates routing and scheduling of bus routes with the bus contractor (First Student Transportation Services), and works with the schools, parents and employees to solve transportation problems as they occur.

Open Monday through Friday from 7:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.(excluding Holidays).

Phone Number (714) 730-7518
Contact Extension
Patricia Mena, Transportation Secretary II 50300

Los pases seran procesados en la orden recibido.
Las horas de trabajo regulares de la Oficina de transportación son de 7:00 a.m. a 3:30 p.m.

The Transportation Department has announced its Home-to-School Transportation Program for the 2023-24 school year. Fee-based bus passes are required for all student transportation.

Due to ongoing state budget issues, TUSD has reduced its home-to-school transportation program for the 2023-24 school year. A majority of bus routes have been eliminated throughout the District. Transportation will be provided for Helen Estock, Guin FossLoma Vista, Columbus Tustin Middle School and Beckman High School. Please contact the Transportation Office for further information.

There are no proposed changes for Special Education transportation.
Refunds: Refunds are issued on a prorated basis from the date the bus pass is returned to the Transportation Office. Refunds are issued ONLY if you have moved out of the District or qualify for free or reduced lunch after paying the full fee. 

Pass Replacement/Changes: Replacement for lost pass: $24 (1st), $30 (2nd), and $35 (3rd). Change of stop: $30. Returned check fee: $46.

To register for student transportation or obtain bus pass applications, contact your local school or the TUSD Transportation Department. Completed applications should be mailed to the TUSD Transportation Department. Passes will be distributed in the order they were received.

Buss Pass Rates for 2024-2025

Tarifa de los Pases del Autobus para el 2024-2025

Standard Bus Pass Rates

Trip/Viaje 1st Child 2nd Child 3rd Child

Annual Round Trip

Pase Anual Redondo

$490 $417 $293

Annual One Way

Pase Anual Sencillo


No Discount

No Hay Descuento si es Una Via

Semester Round Trip

Viaje Redondo Semestral

$293 $232 $185

Students Meeting California Guidelines - Free or Reduced Lunch Program


Annual Round Trip (Free)

Pase Anual Redondo (Gratis)

$0 No Charge                                                 

$0 Sin Cargo