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Transfer Appeal Form

Fill out the form below to appeal a decision that has been issued on a school transfer request. 

Appeals are processed in the order received for the school requested.  Decisions for the 2025-26 school year may take up to 60 days.



Are you a TUSD ResidentrequiredDo you currently live in TUSD boundries?
Do you currently live in TUSD boundries?
Attach up to 1 file with a maximum size of 10MB
No file chosen
Attach a copy of the Interdistrict Attendance Permit from your school district of residence.
Parent's Full Namerequired
First and Last
Email used to respond to the appeal
Phone/Cell Number used to respond to the appeal.
Student's NamerequiredEnter the Student's Full Name
First Name
Last Name
Enter the Student's Full Name
Enter Student's Date of Birth
School currently or last enrolled.
The grade level of the student during the 2024-25 school year.
Is the student eligible for or receiving Special Education Services?requiredIs the student eligible for or receiving Special Education Services?
Is the student eligible for or receiving Special Education Services?
Enter the name of your first choice school.
Enter the name of your second choice school.
Enter information for your appeal.
Attach up to 3 files with a maximum size of 10MB
No file chosen

Updated: 3/1/2023