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Measure J Facilities Bond

A Message from the Superintendent:

Students, teachers and staff in Tustin Unified schools do outstanding work every day.  In many cases, that work is challenged by old and deteriorating facilities that do not lend themselves to the innovative and highly effective instruction that is common in our classrooms.  Many of our schools are over 50 years old and were constructed long before today’s world and needs could be imagined.  Despite being well-maintained, it’s time we invest in our oldest school facilities to ensure student success and to protect our investment in the campuses and in our community. 

In July 2024, the Tustin Unified School District Board of Education took action to place a general obligation bond (Measure J) on the November 5, 2024 ballot to improve school buildings including the oldest schools in the District.  In addition, all TUSD schools will benefit from safety upgrades through Measure J. 


Teacher and Student Learning Spaces

  • Modernize existing classrooms.
  • Construct, rehab and reconfigure labs and learning spaces to support Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics, (STEAM) programs.
  • Upgrade and modernize multipurpose rooms.

Protecting Taxpayer Investments in school facilities

  • Update building systems including HVAC, lighting, plumbing, and power/power conservation systems.
  • Upgrade/repair infrastructure and utilities including natural gas, water, sewer, electrical and storm drain.

Student Safety and Well-Being

  • Upgrade safety locks, security systems, surveillance systems, signage and other enhancements to maintain safe campuses.
  • Upgrade fire, alarm, and communication systems .
  • Modernize food service facilities, lunch shelters and restroom  facilities
  • Create student support facilities.

You can see the full project list by reading the Measure J resolution document.

On November 5, 2024 voters within the TUSD boundaries will be asked to answer the question:

Tustin Unified School District Classroom Repair/ Safety/ Quality Education Measure. To repair/ upgrade aging classrooms, science labs, school and career- training facilities to support college/ career readiness in math, science, technology/ skilled trades; fix roofs, plumbing, and electrical; improve school safety/ security; remove asbestos/ lead; shall Tustin Unified School District’s measure authorizing $261,000,000 in bonds at legal rates be adopted, levying 3¢ per $100 assessed value ($18,000,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding, with citizen oversight, audits, and all money locally controlled?, with mandatory audits, independent oversight, NO administrator salaries, and all funds staying local?”

I am proud to work in a District that supports its students  and schools in so many ways.  In November, the community will have an opportunity to make an investment in students that will benefit their education, their futures, our community, and local property values for years to come.  

Mark Johnson, Ed.D.
Tustin Unified School District

Measure J Documents

Students Raising Their Hands In Class