Please contact your school site for a secure link to upload your required documents or to schedule an appointment to deliver your documents.
- Parent/Guardian:
- Provide a valid photo identification document.
- Student: Proof of the child's birth date must be presented during registration. Accepted documents include:
- Certified copy of a birth record.
- Statement by the local registrar or county recorder certifying the birth date.
- Baptism certificate, duly attested.
- Passport.
Residency is established by providing either of the following :
1) Legal Possession of Residence
- Copy of your rental contract or lease agreement (must include the landlord/owner signature page) or Escrow papers, mortgage statement, property tax bill, or grant deed; AND
- One current utility bill (gas, electric, or water) dated within the last 90 days.
2) Residence Verification Form
- Completed Residence Verification Form signed by both the sponsor and the parent/guardian.
- All required attachments as specified on the form.
- This form is available online or from any TUSD school office
Parents must provide the student(s)' health immunization records at the time of registration. Immunizations must be up to date before the student can begin school.
4. GUARDIANSHIP PAPERS (if applicable)
If the student(s) is/are not living with parents, provide current proof of guardianship (example. court orders) or Caregiver Affidavit.
5. IEP AND ANY ASSESSMENTS (if applicable)
For students with special needs, provide a copy of the current IEP (Individualized Education Plan) and any related assessments.