TUSD Update - November 9
Dear TUSD Families,
I want to begin by sharing a heartfelt thank you to our students, families, staff, community and partners for your patience, understanding, guidance and support in working through the impacts of the North Hangar 1 fire. This is a complex and evolving situation, and we continue to be in ongoing communication with city and county agencies. Current recommendations for the general public from the County of Orange can be found on the Tustin Hangar Fire Incident dedicated webpage.
School Closure November 9
As a reminder, late last night, in response to South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD)’s findings regarding debris from the Tustin Legacy area, we made the difficult decision to close all campuses today, November 9. We made this decision in coordination with and the support of the Orange County Health Care Agency (OCHCA). We appreciate the cooperation of our staff and families regarding today’s closure. This heartbreaking situation has understandably caused a range of emotions across our community.
At this time, our team is working and planning with OCHCA, officials from the City of Tustin, and the Tustin Police Department. In addition, we are in numerous daily meetings with SCAQMD, OC Emergency Operation Center and OC Fire Authority. Please see SCAQMD's communication regarding debris from the Tustin Air Base Hangar Fire showing the presence of asbestos.
Testing and Remediation
In addition, we have secured experts (Certified Asbestos Consultant - CAC), who specialize in testing and remediation of environmental concerns, to help guide our next steps and future decisions. Furthermore, our Maintenance and Operations staff continues to conduct an ongoing visual assessment of our school grounds, providing critical information to aid the work of these environmental consultants.
Information from OCHCA
Information regarding the fire is also available for families and community members through the Orange County Health Care Agency hotline at (714) 628-7085 or by visiting their website at https://ocgov.com/page/tustin-hangar-fire-incident. OCHCA has shared specific recommendations for the public when they encounter ash and debris.
Additional Updates
Please know that we will be in communication with city and county officials throughout this evening. Additional updates, including the status of school for Monday, will continue to be shared through ParentSquare and across regular communication channels, as they become available. Moreover, we have created a Tustin Hangar Fire page on our website, which includes all current communications and important links for our families and community. The City of Tustin will also share updated information later this evening, which can be found on the City of Tustin website.
Thank you,
Mark Johnson, Ed.D.