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Update for TUSD Families - December 6

Update for TUSD Families - December 6

Dear TUSD Families, 

We want to express our sincere thanks for the many ways in which our community has stepped up throughout the Tustin Hangar incident to support our students, staff and each other.  While we have made significant progress in getting all of our students back for on-campus learning, the impacts of this incident continue, not only within our district, but throughout the entire Tustin community.

We continue to work with the City of Tustin and its lead partner in recovery efforts, Innovative Emergency Management (IEM), regarding the safe reopening of Heritage Elementary and Legacy Magnet Academy.  This includes daily conversations with the Orange County Health Care Agency, Environmental Protection Agency, South Coast AQMD, Orange County Fire Authority, and certified asbestos consulting firms and debris removal specialists.  These subject area experts and their extensive knowledge in this matter are helping to guide our decision-making regarding the safe reopening of Heritage and Legacy.

The timeline regarding the reopening of these campuses continues to be dependent on the current status of the hangar site as a part of our thoughtful reopening plan.  IEM shares daily updates with the community at  As progress is made on securing the hangar site and the removal of the hangar doors, we will share an updated timeline for reopening with our community.

We remain grateful to our staff, students and community for your grace, support and resiliency throughout this incident.  The safety of our students and staff remains our top priority and we will continue to make every decision with this in mind.

With gratitude,
Rina Lucchese
Director, Communications and Community Engagement