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Highlights from the January 13 Regular Board Meeting

Highlights from the January 13 Regular Board Meeting

At their regular meeting on January 13, the Board of Education celebrated five teachers in honor of their National Board Certification. National Board Certification is the most respected professional certification available in education, designed to develop, retain and recognize accomplished teachers. Congratulations to Cassandra Lopez, Robin Avalos, Jennifer Douglas, Shanelle Lasta and Melanie Formaneck!

The Board also celebrated Beckman's Gigi Manning and the Tustin Area Council of Fine Arts (TACFA) in honor of their recent recognition by the Orange County Music and Arts Administrators (OCMAA). Mrs. Manning was selected by OCMAA as the Secondary Media Arts Teacher of the Year. In addition, TACFA was honored with the Arts Community Partnership Award. We are grateful for Mrs. Manning and TACFA for their contributions to arts education for our students and local community.

Following this, the Board of Education honored the dedication of our retiring employees including Douglas Case (FHS), Eric Akins (BHS), Irma Cid (Special Education), Beverly A. Duncan (Special Education), and Sylvia E. Mancino (Special Education). Together, they represent more than 136 years of service to our students, staff and families. We are grateful for their commitment to TUSD and wish them the best as they enter their next chapter.

In addition, the Board of Education heard reports from our student board members as they shared highlights from their campus. Presenting student board members included Sahana Shurpalekar (BHS), Morgan Park (FHS), Mia Ayala (Hillview), Catcher Welch (LMA) and Harshini Mahesh (THS). Melanie Villalobos (LMA) shared an update from our elementary and middle schools from the dias.

Lastly, Assistant Superintendent Chris Matos and Secondary Education Coordinator, Ali del Castillo, shared an overview of collaborative partnerships supporting Tier I education across our high schools in this month's Bright Spot.