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Highlights from the Annual Organizational Meeting of the Board of Education

Highlights from the Annual Organizational Meeting of the Board of Education

At the Annual Organization of the Board of Education, re-elected Board Members Allyson Muñiz-Damikolas and Jonathan Stone, along with newly elected Board Member Kathy Copeland, Ed.D. took the Oath of Office. In addition, the Board elected officers for 2025. Congratulations to President Jonathan Stone, Vice President Lynn Davis and Board Clerk Jonathan Abelove.

In addition, the Board honored Beckman Boys Cross Country and their coaches Corey Schuld, Miguel Torres, Helen Flechner, and Nancy Keyler in celebration of their CIF Division 1 State Championship win. This is the first CIF State Championship title for Beckman. The Board honored runners Nolan Barajas, Anthony Barrera, Ryan Barris, Aaron Feaster, Samuel Forman, Nathaniel Horrocks, Koko Karakesis, Mason Nguyen, Hassan Syed, Jude Tenorio, and Christian Weber.

The Board was excited to hear from our Student Board Members as they highlighted recent events on their campuses. Sharing their reports were Sahana Shurpalekar (BHS), Elle Doughty (FHS), Alejandro Sixtos (Hillview), Melanie Villalobos (LMA) and Harshini Mahesh (THS). Morgan Park (FHS) shared an update on events from our elementary and middle schools from the dias.

The evening closed with a First Interim Financial Report, shared by Chief Financial Officer Harold Sullins and Senior Director, Business Services David Yang.